Friday, May 16, 2008

Weapon of Change

Hi Scholars,
The HOD posts are still coming in  . . . although for some of you quite s l o w l y.  ;)

I saw this quote and thought of each of you:
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
-Nelson Mandela

The question then, dear Turquoise, is what will each of us do with your weapons?  

This is not an assigned post although comments are welcome!  I do hope you will all think about how you will put your education to use.  All 12 of you are exceptional and I know you can each make a difference in the world!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Best wishes for tomorrow!

Hey Scholars!
Just in case any of you stop by tonight, I wanted to wish you good luck tomorrow! I emailed you a hand-out yesterday. If you can't open it, let me know.

Be inspired . . . think and analyze!

Mrs. Idica

Sunday, May 4, 2008

HOD Class Post #3

Senioritis seems quite contagious!  Encourage each other; find the cure!  We're in the final weeks of class, you can do this, scholars!

Kurtz finally passes away, and, at the text's conclusion Marlow decides to visit Kurtz's "Intended," or fiancee.  Why does Marlow lie to her about Kurtz's last words?  Does his lie reflect any insight he has gained from his trip up the Congo and to "the Heart of Darkness"?  Explain.