Thursday, February 7, 2008

Class Update 2-7-08

Hi Scholars,
The responses are getting better! Keep up the good work. I wasn't able to figure out how to move comments. I've read all the "how to" sections and have figured out I can't -- if it's possible, I give up! So, I'll do my best to figure out where each post belongs.

Don't forget about your poetry reading this weekend! We're going to focus on poetry Monday and back to Sula on Tuesday. I have a quotation exam ready for you!

Have a good weekend!
Mrs. Idica

Monday, February 4, 2008

Latoyah Lasean's Sula Question

“Why did Eva tell Nel that there was no difference between her and Sula?”

You guys can just copy and repost your comments for this question from the previous post so that you dont have to retype it. Then you can just delete your comment from the other post. (but if mrs. idica can find a way to move comments that's fine too)