Friday, April 25, 2008

HOD Class Post #2

Okay Scholars, here's the topic for your second Heart of Darkness post:

Heart of Darkness seems to blur the line between the so-called “advanced” society of Europe and the “primitive” society of Africa. What makes one culture “civilized” and another “savage” in the eyes of the world? Are these distinctions valid? Do you think that the culture you live in is “advanced” or “civilized”? Why?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

HOD Class Post #1

Hi Scholars!
Welcome back to our class blog. Please create a thoughtful post that addresses the following series of questions.

Some critics believe that in Heart of Darkness Conrad illustrates how “the darkness of the landscape can lead to the darkness of social corruption.” What does this statement mean? How can one’s environment affect one’s actions, feelings, and morals? Is this statement believable or not? Have you ever experienced a change in yourself that resulted from a change in your environment? What kind of change was it?

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Awakening Post #1

Hi Scholars,
This first post should be a reflection from your reading assignments to The Awakening. You may focus on any detail/s or literary element/s that appeal/s to you. Deep philosophical thoughts are great but not required!

I want to see YOUR thoughts and have your classmates see them too!

See you Monday!
Mrs. Idica