Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Inspiration from the Wife of Bath's Tale 2nd CT Post

Hey Scholars,
Here's your second post topic. I think this will be an interesting discussion! The Wife of Bath's tale teaches the lesson of what women want. Do you agree with her?

What do you think women want? Is it the same thing that men would want?


sarah =] said...

I actually do not agree with what the wife of bath belives. I don't think that a woman should have total control or power in the relationship. I actually believe that there should be equality, and neither the male or female should dominate the relationship. I believe that generally, most males feel the same way.

Shashee said...

Even though I've never thought about it, after ruminating on the question, I partly agree with the Wife of Bath. Personally, I don't like to be bossed around or have to do what my boyfriends tell me to do (therefore I agree). I don't exactly like to tell them what to do either, but I definitely want to be my own person (therefore, I half agree).
I think women most, most, want to be pampered and just appreciated for who they are and everything they do to contribute to a relationship. Not that they want to be waited on hand and foot, but that they want special attention every once in awhile.
I honestly have absolutely no idea if guys feel the same way, so just taking a wild guess I would say yes, they probably want their special time...but now I'm sounding does anyone agree?

Trinity Anaise said...

I still believe in chivalry, in modern terms that is. Women did not kill chivalry with our protests for equality - politics have nothing to do with social mannerisms.

With that set aside, I think that despite our day and age I still like to entertain the thought of a prince charming who's in charge of the family. I actually do prefer to take a backseat sometimes for a change. Men ought to be assertive, and well - men.

However, that's not to say that any opinions should be disregarded but instead be accepted equally. But in accordance to old traditions, I believe it still ought to be men at the head of the family, and women in charge of the house.

Key: While men can be the "face" of the family, it is actually the women doing the background work - the puppeteers.

Sam said...

When it comes to a topic so dynamic as this, I don't believe that it's possible to give an entire sex a single word. Each woman has a mind of her own. Some reach to fulfill their own desires, while others strive to change the world. Many women may, indeed, want to be on top of it all when it comes to at least this single aspect of their life. The Wife of Bath does speak some truth, but not entirely.

As far as men are concerned, I say the same. Some people look for somebody to travel through life with, in both thick and thin. Some look for an individual who accepts them exactly as they come. Others want a motivator to make them the best they could possibly be. There is always some sort of combination and main goals change by each lover's experiences.

jaele said...

It all comes down to what a person's personal priorities are. I agree with the Wife of Bath only because she knows what she wants and doesn't hide it. Personally (if I had to choose) I'd rather be behind the scenes than clearly in charge; after all, a guy's got to prove himself!

All women are different. Look at us today; some women don't even want men anymore! They've gone and turned to other women instead! Hahha. [And the same goes for men]

But one thing I think both sexes share in common is the desire for comfort. Typically people like to be at ease with their significant other, because that sense of familiarness is usually conducive to other more-than-acceptable qualities like trust.
If not then the opposite side of the spectrum would be excitement, or the feeling of nothing being expected.

And if they don't want comfort or excitement they will have a very hard time trying to find a partner...I think. They're bound to get one or the other.

Wait... we're reading heart of darkness? said...

The Wife of Bath's tale was probably true for some relationships. There are many women who like to be in control of decisions *cough trinh *cough what? There are also men who enjoy being the plaything of women, controlled etc. Frankly I would hate to be the marionette of a woman, since their decision making skills are definitely lacking... haha jk.

But really, it's up to the type of girl, it's true for some and untrue of others. As a male I enjoy a more symbiotic relationship where neither is really "controlling" it, but rather a give and take sort of thing.

MKagawa said...

The thing about this question is that it assumes that all women want the same thing. I know that there are some people who would agree with the Wife of Bath’s assertion that women want to have the power in the relationship, but there are also others who want the man to take control (within reason of course, but that’s a different discussion). I personally do not agree with the Wife of Bath. That’s not to say that I want to be inferior to my significant other, but I would want my man to act the part of the man in the relationship. Of course, I would probably strive for a happy medium because I am a girl with strong beliefs and opinions, but is there ever really a happy medium? No, probably not.

As for what women want, I cannot really speak for anyone but myself. I want a lot of different things and while some of them may coincide with what men want, I am sure that many do not. It all just depends on the individual, be it man or woman. Especially in this day and age, to assume that all women and/or men want the same thing would be a fallacy.

Katrina said...

The Wife of Bath has some pretty strong opinions about relationships that I don't fully agree with. Although there are moments in which I do want control over the relationship there are other times where I don't want to "wear the pants." For me, it a case by case type of thing. For example, when it comes to deciding where to eat or what movie to watch I would rather have the man decide. But I would not want to be controlled by my boyfriend.

All humans are different, thus, I can't speak for everyone but I think most women want equality in the relationship. The man and the women should equal say in the relationship and equal control over the other. I would have to guess that most men want the same thing (however I could be wrong because I honestly have no clue what men want).

ZVSilver said...
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ZVSilver said...

The wife of Bath brings up interesting points when it comes to relationships. If you have it why not use it if capable of doing so? Why should one stay a virgin forever and not marry? What good would that do anyone?

As for the issue of remarrying, I wholeheartedly believe that as long as you can be happy with someone, even if you truly did love your previous significant other, then why not remarry? The cheating thing goes a little far but I feel everyone has their right to do what they please; there is no use in staying in a loveless relationship.

As for if I agree with her. Yes, most definitely. What women want most is to be in control of their men. Why do you think so many women try changing their men out of their so called "bad habits" and trying to train them to tend to their every need.

As for men, we're a little more simpler. All we want is to be happy with our significant other. The only way that usually happens is when the woman is pleased, thus we cater to their needs and become their slaves.

I, however, will never compromise myself in such a way. I will do as I please in a relationship and if she doesn't like it then tough. As a famous actress once said, "I can be selfish, stubborn, impatient & at times a little insecure.
I make mistakes, I am out of control & at times hard to handle.
But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."

DoesThatFitchue said...

Hmmm, well, i am no women, but from experience i do think some women definately desire power over their man. Now this isnt to say all, but undoubtedly a good portion. I think it has to do more with personality rather than gender. Some males will want power and other just..well you know. Point is, it varies from person to person in my opinion.