Thursday, September 6, 2007

Welcome to our class blog, Scholars!

Hurray for technology! You can also reach this link from our class website ( Click on Weblogs 07-08. Then, click on Period 2.

Here's your first blog question for the year:

From the prologue to "The Canterbury Tales" which character do you find the most intriquing? Why?


jeffffort said...

speaking in third person;
jeffrey doesnt like the novel =P

Trinity Anaise said...

There were so many characters... but I quite like the nun. Perhaps it's because she's one of a few females? I have a feeling she'll be significant later on. Maybe, maybe not.

Mrs. Idica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jaele said...

I hope Mrs. Idica does not delete her wonderful comment (watch it disappear once I post this).
I do seem to have an affinity for the pardoner because I think that he embodies some of my favorite flaws of the church.

MKagawa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MKagawa said...

I liked the parson; he caught my attention because of his great virtue, a stark contrast from that of the other characters. I guess it was a relief that there was someone who was "good" amongst all the ironic "bad."

Shashee said...

The Physician was the character I took an interest in. I think it's because I can somewhat relate to him with his knowledge and interest in health studies, and also because he's greedy :).

Mrs. Idica said...

Poof! It's gone. Sorry Scholars!

Remind the others to post!

sarah =] said...

I'd have to say that my favorite character was the wife of bath. She's seen so many places, and seems so strong and independent. I can relate to her in a way.

Sam said...

I didn't really feel a click when it came to any of the characters, though I think many of us strive to meet the moral standards of a knight. I liked his traditional and honorable story.

Wait... we're reading heart of darkness? said...

THIS WEBSITE IS SOOO CONFUSING!!! I got lost until I clicked "view blog". Oh well, now that I understand it a bit more I'm fine.

I enjoyed the Knight. He's so respected that his opening story, even though slightly boring is still enjoyed by everyone.

Hmm... do I have a weird picture next to my name like most of you have? -->

Sam said...

[For burnedfaith]

Click on your name and you will enter your profile. There you can add a lil icon of your own. :]

Katrina said...

(I know i'm posting this kinda late but...) The Wife of Bath caught my attention. She seems to have so much control over her life which is not characteristic of most women at that time.

ZVSilver said...

My favorite character from the prologue was actually the Merchant. I have an affinity to people who are capable of being devious with money.

DoesThatFitchue said...

My favorite character from the prologue was the miller. Although you gave some insight on that one, he is overall an interesting character with his rude, yet to me tasteful jokes. I know i like dirty jokes, so it only makes sense.